When you leave military service behind, the transition to civilian life can often be turbulent. From understanding how your military skills translate to the civilian world, to facing the world of resumes and stressful interviews, the VFW's Transition and Employment services are committed to providing all service members and veterans with the resources and assistance they need to find a job befitting of their skills and military service.
Knowing what civilian employers are looking for helps the VFW provide you with resume and interview tips that really work. We're dedicated to providing you with key resources and services designed specifically to help you find meaningful work!
Are you a veteran who is...
Transitioning veterans in skilled trades often face the burden of having the technical experience, but not the financial means to afford career-specific tool sets which can often run $5,000 or more. To help address this problem, the VFW has created a pilot program, the Veteran Employment Tools (VET) Program, which will award up to 20 veterans interested in an automotive technician career with a custom Snap-on tool kit, worth an estimated $5,000. We're working with UPS who is currently hiring automotive technicians in markets across the nation, to help ensure transitioning veterans fill some of those positions. Once a selected veteran is hired, UPS will ship the tool kits directly to the veteran so they're ready for their first day of work.
To apply, submit your DD-214 and a brief 250-500 word statement of what this type of opportunity would mean in your pursuit of a career to lrolf@vfw.org. Qualified applicants will then be contacted by a VFW staff member with instructions on potential employment opportunities in the automotive technician career field.
Veterans are entitled to free priority employment services at nearly 2,500 American Job Centers nationwide. American Job Centers can help you look for work and offer workshops like resume and cover letter writing. Many states offer business services to help employers hire, retain and train workers. Use the locator below to find a center near you!